History through literary perspective in O Continente I, by Erico Verissimo
Literature, History, O continente I, Erico VerissimoAbstract
The article analyzes "O Continente I," the first volume of Erico Verissimo's work "Tempo e o vento," positing that literature can contribute to History by presenting reality from a unique perspective, blending factual data and fiction. It focuses on the trajectory of the characters Ana Terra and Rodrigo Cambará, who reveal nuances of the historical context, enabling readers to revisit and understand the past through the fictional lens. Thus, the text can be seen as a privileged source for accessing the past, promoting an updated and revealing reading of the history of the Rio Grande do Sul region, as well as eliciting cathartic experiences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ernani Mügge, Leandro Moreto da Rosa, Juracy Assmann Saraiva
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