Literature and performance
pedagogical letters as an incentive for reader development in childhood
Reading, Childhood, Performance, Pedagogical LettersAbstract
The research proposes to investigate the formation of readers in Early Childhood Education, highlighting the role of the school in this process. The main objective is to analyze experiences of literary productions, especially dramatizations, in an Early Childhood Education class. The study is based on the Freirean Pedagogical Letters as a tool to promote analysis during literature/performance. Authors such as Abramovich, Zumthor and Freire theoretically support the research. The study is conducted in a private school in Bagé/RS, involving eighteen children and their families. Pedagogical Letters are used as methodological instruments for data collection. The systematization of experiences is adopted in the analysis of results. Partial considerations highlight the importance of reading in early childhood education, emphasizing reading the world before written words and the need for an environment favorable to reading, promoting autonomy in students' choice of works
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